I must have been living under a rock for the last three years because I don’t remember ever laying my eyes on this ass before. That fine, panty covered ass belongs to Callista Model. My new fantasy friend.
If you are anything like me then you enjoy a good panty shot now and then. Watching those cotton panties go tight up her ass is amazing. And the way they cling to her pussy, I can only imagine how moist and hot it must be. It brings you back to the days of your youth when catching shots like these were the only sexual stimulation outside of a JC Penny catalog.
With so much time on the net logged, CallistaModel.com has over 40,000 photos in just under 500 sets. I have been bouncing around the members area for three hours now and I feel like I have only just begun.
I am a busy man and the porn industry has me traveling a lot going from convention to convention or flying into some far flung city to do a deal or two. I don’t have a lot of time to waste and apparently Callista is psychic because she took this into consideration and encoded her videos to play on both my IPOD and my PSP! How amazing is that?
In addition to the hand held formats she also has the usual stuff that will play on any PC, MAC or Linux system. I thought about downloading all of it but the collection is just so damn large and she keeps adding new shit three times a week so I guess I will have to let this thing rebill while I explore some more.
Callista Model doesn’t do hardcore but she does do herself. I am big into panty shots and her website is chock-full of them so I am one happy camper. You can be a happy camper too for an initial $24.95 which rebills at $19.95 a month. Not to shabby, like I said, I plan to stick around and so should you!