I’ve learned there are no stupid questions in life. The only silly question that you can ask is the one that you decide not to ask. I’ve always been the type of guy that likes to think that when it comes to knowledge I am up there with the best. Having the smarts so to speak can even get you access to free stuff. I’ve tried out these triviass a few times now and boy have I scored some sweet action.
Too many people worry that they have to be the best at anything that they do. I say as long as you enjoy something isn’t that all that really matters? It isn’t really about what feeling things give you it only matters that you put in the effort to get the reward that always seems to be just out of reach.
With sexy trivia like this there’s no reason why you can’t get the best of both worlds. Those horny girls and the passion that they show for someone that gives them their all is what drives me and my cock for that matter to keep coming back for more. Make yourself known and the rest will come when you least expect it!