It’s funny that a lot of guys try to make adult hookups to be something more complicated than it really is. Well, if you are over-thinking the whole idea of meeting a total stranger online and then setting up a time and a place where you can fuck, you are simply sabotaging yourself. That’s really what’s happening in that situation. You are somehow, some way, at a subconscious level, trying to get yourself out of that situation.
I can see where you’re coming from because, let’s face it, when it comes to sex, most guys think that it has to be absolutely hard. In fact, most guys resign themselves to thinking that getting laid is just something that you really have to work on continuously and you have to be very lucky.
Well, I’m sorry to break this to you. There’s a reason why certain guys hook up at dance clubs and singles bars all day. Seriously. They just need to show up, and pussy flocks to them.
It’s not because they have some sort of magical amulet that they wave around. It’s not because their dicks are eighteen inches long or they drive Lamborghinis and Ferraris. It’s not like they’re drug dealers. No. The reason why they hook up is because they know how the game is played.
If you want to increase your chances of success with hookup dating, you need to know how the game is played. The good news is that it’s actually simpler than you think. In fact, it’s conventional wisdom. The problem is that most guys are so busy over-complicating things and trying to read in all sorts of weird, convoluted details that they completely miss out. It’s simpler than you think. Pay attention to the three following ingredients.
Look Good
I’m not saying that you should rush to your local plastic surgeon and have some work done so you start looking like George Clooney or Brad Pitt. No, I’m not saying that at all. Regardless of what you look like, even if you look like Quasimodo, you still need to look good. How?
Take a bath. Get a haircut. Brush your teeth. Make sure that your skin isn’t greasy. You know what I mean? Basic hygiene. Be presentable. That’s what I mean by looking good. Regardless of what you look like, you might look like a pimple on somebody’s butt, there will be a woman out there who would find you attractive.
Let’s face it. You’re trying to get laid at an online sex site. The women there are looking for sex. They’re not really looking for good-looking guys. So, don’t beat yourself up if you don’t look like an Abercrombie & Fitch model. Get over that. As long as you’re clean and as long as you’re presentable, you’re good to go.
Be Proactive
I can’t begin to tell you as to how many guys think that all they need to do to get laid at an online dating site is to show up. I’m sorry to break this to you, but while Woody Allen is right that success is mostly about showing up, that’s not the complete picture.
You have to do something when you show up. You have to chase that pussy. You have to send out lots of message requests and lots of messages, and just really put in the work. You have to roll up your sleeves and kiss goodbye to all those easy dating ideas you had in mind. You have to be proactive.
The good news is that if you don’t want to do this yourself, you can outsource it. There are lots of Virtual Assistants from the Philippines, India, Bangladesh, you name it, that would love to be your Virtual Assistant. They’ll filter the pussy for you. They’ll send all the messages. They’ll be your online Don Juan. You just sit back, get the positive replies, and nail that pussy. How awesome is that?