You did everything right. Saved. Put your daughter in the best schools. Pressured her to work hard and do well in school. She really kicked some ass. Graduated a year early and went to college for her 18th birthday.
Then all hell broke loose!
At her freshman orientation (or was that initiation) the seniors got your little girl sauced up and ready to let you know it is time to give her some respect! Damn it!
“I umm soooo fuhhh-king ti’ered uf all’uf thur bool-shhhit! I mmm’ah dallt now. I kehnn han’dal mife-self.”
And her sorority sisters were there to cheer her on and make sure she did handle herself. She drank that 750ml bottle like nobodies business and then moved on to finish another one. What a champ!
The best part is that we have the pics to prove it. All because of a little FREE site called KinkyGFs. A place where her sorority sisters can make money uploading pics of your little girl. How fucking awesome is that?
Now you can explain to everyone at the next family reunion what is going on with mommy’s little monster. Or even better, let her do the explaining. Because you can’t even think about leaving her in school for another break again!
KinkyGF’s has literally thousands of candid and not so candid pics. Tons of videos of girls behaving badly. Not just college girls but amateurs that decided they would take a stab at this whole Paris Hilton sex tape thingy.
All the power in the world to your, girls!